About Me

My name is Katherine Bown (maiden: Formosa) and on 23rd February ‘09, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is my story, my diary, which I hope will be support to those who are battling breast cancer or those waiting for their biposy results that are eager to find out more…

And to my friends and family, I thank you all for you continuous support and sometimes when I’m in hibernation and don’t feel like talking, this is a great way to keep you all up-to-date with my news.

For those who don't know me, I’m 33 years old, I live in Cardiff and I recently got married. I run a website, www.urbantraffic.co.uk and I also work part-time as a Communications Manager.

Monday, 23 November 2009

The Last Blog Entry....

.... Dear All,

Thanks for sharing this rollercoaster journey with me. Since finishing therapy you've probably noticed that i've not blogged much, this is due to the horrible fact that the aftermath of cancer treatment is actually far worse than the treatment itself (Although chemo is quite harrowing and I'm still waiting for my knighthood for getting through it!). Writing this blog reminds me of what's happend this year and its just so surreal, still.

I honestly can't believe it; I came through cancer.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting this year over with and starting a fresh new year 'cancer free'. I'm going to take myself off all social networking sites and blogs and just give myself a bit of privacy to get myself together. I'm so overwhelmed at how wonderful people have been during this awful time and their generosity in their kindness but it's time for me to try and push all this behind me, get back to work and start my new life as a married women which unfortunately i've not had the chance to do yet.

I did go to the US as previously blogged but I only lasted 6 days, I was exhausted and I've really learnt to listen and react to what my body wants and in New York my body told me to just get home and rest. I thought going away would be a great ending to a horrible year, but unfortunately I'm not over it, and won't be for a while, so I have to admit I'm not Wonder Woman, and rest.

Hopefully this blog will bring comfort, support and a contact for anyone that needs it but for now....

that's all folks!
