About Me

My name is Katherine Bown (maiden: Formosa) and on 23rd February ‘09, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is my story, my diary, which I hope will be support to those who are battling breast cancer or those waiting for their biposy results that are eager to find out more…

And to my friends and family, I thank you all for you continuous support and sometimes when I’m in hibernation and don’t feel like talking, this is a great way to keep you all up-to-date with my news.

For those who don't know me, I’m 33 years old, I live in Cardiff and I recently got married. I run a website, www.urbantraffic.co.uk and I also work part-time as a Communications Manager.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Badges of Hope

My cousin Teri had a bloody amazing idea a few months ago....to get Clutterfly Jewellery to make a unique badge for me to sell in aid of my £1m challenge for Cancer Research UK.

We've called it the 'Badge of Hope', as hope is all we have to get us through cancer and hope is all we have that it doesn't touch everyone and hope is all we have that Cancer Research can cure it.

Stuff the usual boring charity badges, if I say so myself these are awesome!

It's a frightening thought, but cancer can effect everyone, no-one knows when. By buying a badge of hope, you're giving money to a cause that might save your life one day, or someone that you love.

So buy one, wear it with pride and let everyone know...


thanks xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine,

    I wonder if this is the sort of thing that you might be interested in. It could provide a good bit of additional impetus to your 'Million Pound Challenge' campaign, as well.




    p.s. The 'Hope' badge concept is absolutely wonderful. Really well done to your cousin for the idea - and to both of you for making it a reality.
