About Me

My name is Katherine Bown (maiden: Formosa) and on 23rd February ‘09, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is my story, my diary, which I hope will be support to those who are battling breast cancer or those waiting for their biposy results that are eager to find out more…

And to my friends and family, I thank you all for you continuous support and sometimes when I’m in hibernation and don’t feel like talking, this is a great way to keep you all up-to-date with my news.

For those who don't know me, I’m 33 years old, I live in Cardiff and I recently got married. I run a website, www.urbantraffic.co.uk and I also work part-time as a Communications Manager.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

18, for the 1st time!

The past 7 months have been the worst of my life and now it's nearly over, I've noticed that although I'm not myself mentally, that physically, I'm not myself either!

At the beginning of this rollercoaster, I was a size 12 and at the end of it, I'm a size 18!

I've never ever had to buy size 18 clothes before and I've been living in black jogging pants for months so I've not noticed the weight creeping up on me.

At first I thought it was the steroids as my wedding rings didn't fit me anymore and my face looked puffy and bloated. But I've not taken steriods now since the beginning of August and I'm still the same. I thought I'd put on 2 stone since starting chemo but when I weighed myself this morning, it seems I've put on 3!

And I'm due to start my tamoxifen tablets this week for 5 years..which have side effects including weight gain...HELP!

I did plan to stop my blog once I'd finished all of my therapy but I'm going to keep it going until I'm back to my normal size and mental state... and I promise not to leave it a month till I next blog...

wish me luck....


  1. Oh my God Katherine - I don't even know you, and I've been worried sick about you! Glad to see you blogging again, but I hate that you & anyone else have to go through the agony of cancer treatment. I've donated to your million pounds challenge & I hope many others do as well. Thank you for your honest account of what you're going through, thank you for sharing. All the best to you as you continue your journey.

  2. Good luck! You can do it. You've got this far, and have people who you have never met rooting for you.

    Oh yeah - unless they are from the antipodes, at which point 'rooting' means something altogether different! I suppose then they would be behind you, and hoping you win.

    DAMN! Why is it so difficult to articulate what I'm trying to say. I just hope that you realise that giving up is not an option. You are an inspiration, even if you don't feel like it.
