About Me

My name is Katherine Bown (maiden: Formosa) and on 23rd February ‘09, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is my story, my diary, which I hope will be support to those who are battling breast cancer or those waiting for their biposy results that are eager to find out more…

And to my friends and family, I thank you all for you continuous support and sometimes when I’m in hibernation and don’t feel like talking, this is a great way to keep you all up-to-date with my news.

For those who don't know me, I’m 33 years old, I live in Cardiff and I recently got married. I run a website, www.urbantraffic.co.uk and I also work part-time as a Communications Manager.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

My 5 (hundred) a day!

Ok so today i've had:
  • a tub of organic grapes
  • 3 brambly apples
  • 2 pears
  • 2 bananas
  • 5 strawberries
  • 2 kiwi fruits
  • plate of salad
  • bottle of innocent smoothie
  • glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and cranberry
  • cauliflour
  • cabbage

oh and not forgetting the teaspoon of green powder mixed in water that tastes like sewage but claims to be the equivalent of a lb of veg.

It's amazing isn't it when you panic for your life? Even though for the past 14 years (since I left home to go to college and find my fame and fortune) I've been living off cups of tea, vodka and diet coke, crispy beef with noodles, crappy corn crisps, spicy curry pot noodles, cadburys creme eggs and marlboro lights and never gave my health a second thought.

In fact, last January when my hub asked me to marry him and I panicked that I had to lose 6 stone before the wedding (OK so a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm a women, we're supposed to be over dramatic!) and during the 11 months of planning the wedding I did 2 fad diets that didn't work, joined a gym and only lost about 4lbs, what a waste of time! And now, sod's-blimin-law I find out 9 days ago that I've got cancer so I embarked on a caveman diet, and I've lost that 6 stone, just like that! (again, over exaggerating, maybe put it in pounds and you're with me on this).

So my 'I made this up' theory that by only eating fruit, veg, nuts and pulses to stop my cancer from spreading is probably a load of crap, i've actually lost more weight than i ever have in the shortest space of time but i feel so healthy, have clear skin and in fact i'm better that i've ever felt!

Good times!

Peanut-sized tumor, are you listening?? I feel bloody fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant...

    Although you wanna watch out with all that fruit that you don't get the runs!


    p.s. Blueberries and brocolli (not together) are the things that make me feel uber-healthy.
