About Me

My name is Katherine Bown (maiden: Formosa) and on 23rd February ‘09, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is my story, my diary, which I hope will be support to those who are battling breast cancer or those waiting for their biposy results that are eager to find out more…

And to my friends and family, I thank you all for you continuous support and sometimes when I’m in hibernation and don’t feel like talking, this is a great way to keep you all up-to-date with my news.

For those who don't know me, I’m 33 years old, I live in Cardiff and I recently got married. I run a website, www.urbantraffic.co.uk and I also work part-time as a Communications Manager.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

It’s only 1.5cm big!

Today I had my appointment to have a mamogram and an ultrasound to check my other breast and my armpits. And I have to say that I’ve never ever felt so much pain than when the nurse squished my boob to take the xray! Again that might because it’s the time of the month so everything in that area hurts, I don’t know. But it bloody killed!

So, there’s good news, my lump is only 1.5cm big! And the mamogram and ultrasound were clear so no early signs of it being anywhere else! Fab fab news, I know its still there, but 1.5cm is tiny. It does worry me though that ‘what if i didn’t go to the dr’s’, its so so so small. And when I touch it, it’s feels like a pea which is weird because when I first found it, it felt the size of a chocolate covered marshmallow. But I think that’s because ‘exaggeration’ kicked in, the smallest of lumps felt like a mountain on my boob and in fact it was teeny tiny.

So I want to try to make women aware of this, to check their breasts regularly and to get anything suspicious checked out, even if its a tiny lump. How I do this is unknown as yet, but its something good to keep my mind busy…

1 comment:

  1. I just finished with Ca of the sigmoid colon (4 m0nths ago) and lo and behold now they found a 1.5 cm lump (cyst) in my lt breast. You can rest assured that my Dr. Oncologist is going to take a look at this cyst. I believe that any lump should come out asap. All it takes is one little cell to want to play hanky-panky in your system. That remark came from my Dr. Just a word of advise.
